Project Information

The Nevada Department of Transportation (NDOT) began improvements along nearly nine miles of Interstate 15 (I-15) South from Sloan Road to north of Warm Springs Road in January 2024. This project will aid in improving travel-time reliability, serve proposed growth in the area by increasing local mobility and access, and enhance I-15’s operational efficiency. Construction is anticipated to be completed within a 24-month period.

Project Features:

  • Widening I-15 from six to eight general-purpose lanes between Sloan Road and St. Rose Parkway
  • Widening and restriping I-15 from six to 10 general-purpose lanes between St. Rose Parkway and Blue Diamond Road
  • Adding a High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) lane in each direction between St. Rose Parkway and Blue Diamond Road
  • Resurfacing bridges and pavement preservation at the Blue Diamond Interchange
  • Construction of 6 new sound walls near qualifying residential areas throughout the corridor

Ramp Closures, Lane Reductions on I-15 South Widening Project

The Nevada Department of Transportation (NDOT) is announcing ramp and lane closures on Interstate 15 (I-15) for the ongoing I-15 South Widening Project. The following traffic restrictions are necessary for landscaping, painting of soundwalls, and paving. The schedule is subject to change.

Nightly (8:00 p.m. to 5:00 a.m.) Monday, February 24 to Friday, February 28:

  • Northbound I-15 reduced to one lane between St. Rose Parkway and Cactus Avenue
  • Northbound I-15 off-ramp to Cactus Avenue closed

Intermittently (6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.) Monday, February 24 through Friday, March 28:

  • Southbound I-15 off-ramp to Starr Avenue closed intermittently
  • St. Rose Parkway on-ramp to southbound I-15 closed intermittently
    *Notice will be posted prior to each closure

The work is part of an $86 million project to widen the freeway and improve nearly nine miles of I-15 between Sloan Road and Warm Springs Road. Project information is available at

Project Maps

I-15 South Restrictions Week of 2.24.25

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